Learn SQL in 30 Days

Learn SQL in 30 Days

 In this post, we'll explore "How to Effectively Learn SQL in 30 Days."


Today, SQL is an essential skill for anyone pursuing a career in data-related fields such as data analysis, data science, or data engineering. Proficiency in SQL is often a prerequisite for landing a job in these areas.


In this article, I will outline a few straightforward steps that I have successfully implemented with my students, achieving a 90% success rate.


This tutorial is useful for Fresher’s, Beginners who want learn SQL and Who want enhancing skill.


Let's dive into the steps!



1. Choose a database to install, such as Oracle, MySQL, Snowflake, or GCP. I recommend focusing on Oracle and Snowflake. If you prefer, you can also use free online compilers for practice.

2. Set a consistent time for your SQL practice sessions. Commit to this schedule until you achieve mastery in SQL.

3. Dedicate 1 to 2 hours each day for SQL. Spend the first 30 minutes learning new concepts and the next 30 minutes practicing what you've learned.

4. Keep a dedicated notebook for write down all SQL commands, including DDL, DML, DCL, window functions, as well as numeric and string functions. Avoid using   Notepad or Word for this purpose.

5. Take one SQL command, research it on Google, and review the first four sources you find. Summarize and note down all important points.

6. Immediately practice what you've learned as soon as you finish studying a concept to reinforce your understanding.

7. Continue repeating this process until you are confident in your SQL skills.



**Effective Learning and Practice Techniques**


Let me share a few straightforward steps that you can follow to ensure you retain what you learn effectively.


### Understanding the CREATE Command:

The CREATE command is essential for establishing databases, tables, views, and more.


Practice Guidelines:

1. Explore Different Methods: Investigate the various ways to create tables and views.

2. Implement Constraints: Practice creating tables that incorporate primary keys, foreign keys, and unique constraints.

3. Duplicate Table Structure: Learn how to create a new table based solely on the structure of an existing table.

4. Transfer Data: Discover how to create a new table from an existing one and load it with data.


By following these steps, you'll deepen your understanding and enhance your retention of the material. Happy learning!


 Youtube: Learn SQL


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