ETL Testing Training - Mock Realtime project and Mock Interviews

ETL Testing Training - Mock Realtime project and Mock Interviews

Dear Readers,

I would like to express my gratitude for visiting my blog.
I am delighted to announce that I will be providing a comprehensive real-time ETL testing course, which includes explanations and hands-on execution of two dummy projects.
Additionally, I will conduct two mock interviews based on industry standards to further enhance your confidence in both your skill set and interview capabilities.

Below, you will find the course details:
1. ETL Testing Concepts: 10 days
In this course, I will cover all ETL testing concepts with real-time examples, providing you with the necessary knowledge and confidence to become proficient in testing concepts.
2. SQL (Basic, Advanced, Complex): 30 days
SQL is a crucial topic for testing, and without SQL skills, survival as an ETL tester can be challenging. In this course, I will guide you through every SQL command and execution with different sets of data. Through hands-on exercises, you will gain practical experience and comprehensive knowledge in SQL. After completing this module, you will be confident in your SQL skills and prepared for interviews.
3. Unix
This module will provide the basic fundamentals of Unix, including commonly used commands and important commands to learn for interviews.
4. Project 1:
After finishing the above topics, we will delve into a mock dummy real-time project. This project will cover various aspects such as analyzing stories, understanding mapping or transformation rules, writing SQL queries based on rules, different ways to validate data, clarifying requirements, ensuring 100% coverage in testing, and maintaining testing artifacts.
5. Project 2:
For this project, you will have the opportunity to work on a real-time project on your own and submit it for review. Our panel will analyze your work and provide feedback on your strengths and areas for improvement.
6. Mock interview 1:
I will conduct a mock interview and provide feedback based on your performance, identifying your strengths and areas where improvement is needed.
7. Mock interview 2:
In this session, my friends will conduct an interview in a real-time manner, providing you with exposure to interview scenarios.
Each batch will have a maximum of 10 participants.
This course is suitable for freshers and individuals interested in starting a career in ETL Testing. The prerequisites for this course include dedication, timely submission of assignments, and daily practice at least 2 hours.
Thank you again for your interest. Please feel free to reach out to me for further information or to enrol.

Best regards,

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